Dairy Stream
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Россия 01.02.2022

Weak ruble boosts Dairy Index DIA

Источник: The DairyNews
On January 31, 2022 Dairy Index DIA amounted to 34.32 rubles (about 0.40 euro)/kg (excluding VAT, fat and protein content 3.6% and 3.0% respectively), which 0.15% higher than last week and 17.3% higher than in late January 2021. The index continues to break records. The key factor in the growth of the index was the increase in import prices due to weakening of the ruble, the growth of the index was also facilitated by increase in prices for raw milk in Russian regions according to the Milk Price Index DIA application.

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According to the application Milk Price Index DIA, the weighted average price of milk in Russia increased by 0.17% to 29.93 rubles/kg (about 0.35 euro)/kg, which is 13.5% higher than the price in late January 2021. The price for raw milk continued to decrease in Kemerovo region. The increase in milk prices was observed in the Republic of Karelia, Perm and Novosibirsk regions.

It is worth reminding that to get access to information about the prices for raw milk in all regions of Russia, users need to be registered on the page of Index DIA and enter current data on the price of raw milk.


The import price index increased by 0.16% to 44.03 rubles (about 0.51 euro)/kg, compared to late January 2021, the indicator is 24.2% higher. A key factor in the growth was weakening of the ruble. At the BUCE auction the price of skimmed milk powder decreased by 0.8%. At the Trigona Dairy Trade auction, the price of whey powder decreased, prices of skimmed milk powder, butter and cheese remained at the level of the previous auction. The price of butter, taking into account the weakening of the ruble compared to the previous auction, increased by 1.9% to 508.7 rubles (about 5.87 euro)/kg, the price of cheddar increased to 424.6 rubles (about 4.90 euro)/kg, the price of skimmed milk powder increased to 322.9 rubles (about 3.73 euro)/kg. The price of whey powder increased by 1.5% to 117.7 rubles (about 1.36 euro)/kg.

The import price of a pair of skimmed milk powder + butter remained at the level of 53.16 rubles (about 0.61 euros)/kg (1 kg in terms of milk). The import price of a pair of cheese + whey increased by 0.3% to 37.49 rubles (about 0.43 euro)/kg. The price of whole milk powder remained at the level of 38.43 (about 0.44 euro)/kg.    

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The new value of Dairy Index DIA will be published on February 7, 2022. 

The Agency launched the mobile app MILK PRICE INDEX DIA for iOS and Android. You can now install the mobile app MILK PRICE INDEX DIA by the following links: 

In App Store: 


In Google play:


Dairy Index DIA
Dairy Index DIA is calculated based on two key indicators, the weighted average price of milk in the Russian regions and the import price index. To calculate the weighted average price, the Agency developed and launched a crowdsourcing application Index DIA, which allows accumulating current data on the prices of raw milk in Russian regions from direct market participants, producers and processors of milk. The import price index is determined based on the prices of key exchange dairy products – skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, butter, cheese and whey powder. The prices of imported dairy products are based on the prices of dairy products of the Belarusian universal commodity exchange (BUCE) and the prices at the sites of Trigona Dairy Trade and GlobalDairyTrade.

Накануне Нового года The DairyNews.ru собрал комментарии экспертов молочной отрасли, чтобы узнать профессиональное мнение о том, как производители и переработчики молока пережили очередной непростой год. Участники рынка расставили акценты на главных событиях, поделились успехами и достижениями, прогнозами на будущий год, отметили ведущие тренды и тенденции, по которым будет развиваться молочная отрасль России.
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