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Unlike meat industry, Russia has not achieved self–sufficiency in the dairy industry yet -Gennady Myndru

Источник: The DairyNews
During the international exhibition EuroTier-2021, the general director of LLC DLG RUS Gennady Myndru said that milk production in Russia in 2020 increased by 2.7%, writes The DairyNews.

He also added that the volume of pork production increased by 8.9%, poultry meat – by 0.3%, beef - by 0.3%.

The expert said that in 2020, production of pork in Russia amounted to 4 286.7 thousand tons, beef - 1 630.4 thousand tons, poultry meat - 5 031.1 thousand tons. The highest indicators were observed in production of milk - 32.2 million tons.

It should be noted that according to the Dairy Intelligence Agency (DIA), milk production in agricultural enterprises and peasant farm holdings in the country in January-November 2020 increased by 5.6% to 18.2 million tons compared to 11 months of 2019.


According to Gennady Myndru, in 2021, pork production is expected to increase by 3%, and milk - by 1.2%. In this case, the production figures will reach 32.6 million tons. At the same time, the expert noted that poultry farming can remain stable, and several small projects can begin in the production of beef.

The expert also highlighted several points that, in his opinion, must be known about the Russian agricultural market. So, according to Gennady Myndru, the main investments in meat production will be directed to the pig sector. According to the expert, this is due to the positive dynamics of growth in the industry, the recovery of enterprises affected by African swine fever and the need to modernize an increasing number of pig farms.

‘Unlike meat industry, Russia has not achieved self-sufficiency in the dairy industry yet. Measures to support the industry will amount to about 33.3 billion rubles, which corresponds to the level of 2020. In addition, on February 8, 2021, a decree was issued on "The introduction of floating duties on grain exports". This measure will come into force on June 2, 2021. This is good news for animal breeders,’ said Gennady Myndru.

He also added that the cost of feed will decrease, and this in turn will help to stabilize the price of meat.

‘Animal breeders will maintain their profitability. This is especially important for those who are in the active investment phase. This may have a positive impact on some of the growth expectations mentioned above,’ concluded the CEO of LLC DLG RUS.

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