The volume of milk sales in agricultural organizations increased by 6%
Источник: The DairyNews
According to operational data of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, as of November 23, the daily volume of milk sales by agricultural organizations amounted to 46.13 thousand tons, which is 6% (2.6 thousand tons) more compared to the same indicator last year, reported in the press service of the Department to The DairyNews.
Maximum sales volumes were achieved in the Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kirov, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk regions, and the Udmurt Republic.
The average milk yield per cow per day was 16.41 kg, which is 0.83 kg more than a year earlier. The leaders among the regions in this indicator are Penza, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Kaliningrad, Vladimir, Kirov, Belgorod, Vologda, Kaluga, Tula, Voronezh, Ryazan, Moscow, Sverdlovsk regions, the Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar region. These regions received more than 20 kg of milk per cow.
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