Dairy Stream
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Россия 06.04.2021

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation sees "certain risks" of the introduction of labeling of dairy products

Источник: ria.ru
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation predicts that this year the production of most types of food will remain at the level of last year, but sees a number of risks for the processing industry, including for the dairy industry with the introduction of labeling.
‘This year, the volume of production for most products will remain at the level of 2020. At the same time, I would like to outline certain risks. First, it is a significant investment in enterprises producing dairy products for the purchase of equipment for labeling,’ said Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to him, ‘these costs can then affect the cost of finished products.’ For its part, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed a number of measures to support processors.

‘We continue to deal with this issue, currently with colleagues from the Ministry of Finance, we are working on the volumes and amounts of how we will support milk processors,’ he said. ‘The issue of labeling has been resolved, we have already integrated Mercury with the labeling system of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the labeling of dairy products begins on June 1.’

One of the risks, according to the Minister of Agriculture, is the issue of the availability of raw materials for processing enterprises.

‘First of all, this applies to sugar beets and sunflowers. As I said, this year we plan to increase the acreage for both sunflower and sugar beet, and we hope that the weather will allow us to harvest a decent crop,’ Patrushev said.

He pointed out that the acreage under beet in 2020 decreased due to the high yield of the previous year.

Накануне Нового года The DairyNews.ru собрал комментарии экспертов молочной отрасли, чтобы узнать профессиональное мнение о том, как производители и переработчики молока пережили очередной непростой год. Участники рынка расставили акценты на главных событиях, поделились успехами и достижениями, прогнозами на будущий год, отметили ведущие тренды и тенденции, по которым будет развиваться молочная отрасль России.
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