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The Chinese liked the Russian cheese

Источник: The DairyNews
The third largest food exhibition in the world – Sial China 2019 has ended in Shanghai. It was attended by more than 4 thousand exhibitors, including the company "Molvest". Voronezh manufacturers presented at the exhibition products of the brand "Vkusnoteevo" - cheese, butter, cream and milk.

The program of the event was extremely rich – within three days the team of the company "Molvest" held about 200 negotiations. A preliminary cooperation agreement was also signed with one of the major distribution companies in China.

"We rely primarily on cheese, milk and butter. These are the categories that we could deliver to China in the near future. But the interest in Russian products is so great that it is possible that we will create some special names of dairy products specifically for the Chinese market" - shared Deputy General Director of the company "Molvest" Boris Dekhaev.

Consumption of dairy products per capita in China is several times lower than in European countries. However, in recent years it has increased due to the growing economy of the country. Milk consumption is maintained at the state level, for example, in China there is program "school milk".

"Indeed, the welfare of the population is growing rapidly in China, and this is accompanied by an increase in the number of urban residents and a change in traditional taste preferences", said Anatoly Losev, General Director of “Molvest”. - Milk, which previously was not the basis of nutrition, is gradually becoming a popular product.  This creates new niches and new export opportunities".

We will remind that in winter this year, several Russian enterprises received the right to supply dairy products to China, in particular, "Molvest". High quality requirements are imposed on dairy products. In addition, potential exporters will have to study all the nuances of the new market, including the preferences of consumers in China. The Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert previously stated that "there are a lot of people who want to get access to the Chinese market. In the final list there are only those who at the moment can really fulfill the requirements of China".

SIAL China is the leading food exhibition in Asia and one of the largest in the world. It is visited by the players of the retail market, HoReCa, trade, production and services in the food industry. SIAL helps specialists to see the main trends of the year, share knowledge and experience with colleagues from 200 countries, develop cooperation with Asian companies.

The opening of the Chinese market for finished Russian dairy products occurred within the framework of the Federal program "Export of agricultural products", according to which the shipment of meat and dairy products to all foreign markets should reach $2.8 billion by 2024, which exceeds the existing figure 4.4 times (from $0.6 billion).

"China is the largest importer of dairy products in the world today, the demand from China determines the situation of the global dairy market, the price of dairy products and raw milk. This is one of the key markets for the largest milk exporting countries and a hope for growing players", said Ekaterina Zakharova, a leading analyst at the Russian Dairy Research Center.

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