Dairy Stream
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Россия 29.01.2021

Dzhambulat Khatuov: Every year we import 60 thousand pedigree cows from abroad

Источник: The DairyNews
First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dzhambulat Khatuov said at the XII Congress of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko) about the importance of breeding and genetic work carried out in Russia, reports The DairyNews.

‘Our herd is equipped with a breeding core, which is produced in Russia,’ said the official. At the same time, every year we import 60 thousand head of cattle from abroad. This process is correct, and it should happen.

The expert considers peasant farm holdings, which have a great potential for increasing the production of raw materials, to be a promising direction for the development of dairy farming. He paid special attention to reducing the cost of production and processing of milk. To do this, it is necessary to establish close cooperation between both parties.

‘In principle, we can say that the relationship has already developed,’ said the official. – But, nevertheless, lots of milk are transported over distances of up to 1 thousand kilometers. We must understand that further modernization of processing facilities and access to concessional loans are fundamentally important for maintaining the existing state support.

According to Khatuov, the amount of financing provided by the state for the dairy industry allows for stable development. 34 billion rubles allocated to support producers and processors create normal prerequisites for this.

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