10 largest dairy producers in Voronezh region are ready for labeling
The ministry said that to date, 20 dairy companies in the region fall under the first stage of labeling. 10 of these enterprises are the key producers of the region: Molvest, EkoNiva, Bobrovsky cheese factory, City dairy plant Liskinsky, 7Utra and others. According to the representative of the Department, these companies have already confirmed their readiness.
It is known that EkoNiva, Molvest and Bobrovsky cheese factory have chosen a direct method of applying labeling codes to packaging, and in some cases, labeling. These companies have already purchased labeling equipment. Other manufacturers in the region identified labeling as the preferred method of applying codes.
‘Currently, all milk processing enterprises in Voronezh region are informed about the mandatory labeling and the timing of its introduction. Enterprises are informed about meetings and training webinars held by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The Department of Agrarian Policy of Voronezh Region regularly holds meetings with dairy enterprises and a representative from the Operator of the CATD on the implementation of this process,’ said in the department.
The regional Department reminded that currently the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation provides a measure of state support in the form of loans at a preferential rate of up to 5%. Within the framework of this state support, the authorized bank provides enterprises with a short-term loan for the purchase and application of labeling codes for certain types of dairy products, for the support of hardware and software for the purpose of labeling by means of identification of certain types of dairy products, as well as an investment loan for the purchase of equipment for applying and reading codes, the introduction of hardware and software products for the purpose of labeling certain types of dairy products.